Project Profile
Insights into Kenya’s Creative Hub Ecosystem
GiZ – Global Project Culture and Creative Industries
In late 2019, our research commissioned by GiZ focused on assessing the business practices and needs within Kenya’s creative hub ecosystem. The aim was to enhance internal processes, business models, and capacity building strategies for sustainable development in the culture and creative industries.
Employing design research methodology, our study encompassed desk research, direct interviews with 11 hub owners, a survey involving 43 hub users, and focus group discussions to distill actionable insights.
The non-scientific research highlighted the evolving role of creative hubs, demographics of users and owners, financing strategies, skill acquisition patterns, challenges in managing intellectual property, network strengths and weaknesses, impact assessment gaps, and government interactions.
Our research offers valuable insights for clients seeking to understand and engage with Kenya’s creative hub ecosystem. It provides actionable data on funding strategies, user demographics, and challenges faced, aiding in strategic planning and development within this dynamic industry.
Next Steps
We recommend information exchange platforms, business modeling support, market-driven coaching, and disruption strategies to fortify and standardize approaches for existing and emerging creative hubs in Kenya.
Explore Further
Dive into our in-depth research commissioned by GiZ CCI for comprehensive insights into Kenya’s vibrant creative hub landscape.